Promoting Children’s Language and Communication Skills

Promoting Children’s Language and Communication Skills

Early language and communication skills can help children succeed in school and outside school. These skills allow children to understand others and express themselves. Strong language and communication skills will also help them learn new things in Preschool and formal school more easily.

To promote language and communication skills for toddlers and infants at home, here are a few practices parents could consider.

  • Start a Book Club

    Reading is one of the best ways to introduce your child to new words, concepts, and interests. It can fuel your child’s curiosity, encouraging them to ask questions and practice expressing their views. Starting a book club is also a fun way to bond with your kids and it also encourages active participation.

  • Use Labels

    Labeling things and objects around the house is a fun way to teach children the names of objects. Make a game out of it by writing down labels and asking your child to assign them to their corresponding objects.

  • Become a Commentator

    Every child needs a good commentator. Describing actions, events, and objects as you go around enjoying the day helps children put two and two together to help them understand the relationship between actions and words.

  • Sing, Sing, Sing!

    Singing is a great way to promote your child’s diction, expand their vocabulary, and improve their fluency.

    Centers like our Day Care Center in Chicago, Illinois also use songs to help children improve their language skills.

  • Get Conversational

    Talking with your children improves their understanding of language and increases the number of words they can use in daily communication. It also introduces them to the ways adults communicate with each other.

Suite Little Feet provides child-centered Childcare in Illinois with programs that promote early education and development for kids. For more details about childcare on Southside, give us a call today!

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