Fun Ways to Teach Kids Good Hygiene


It has been a year since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Although things are getting better, there’s no room for complacency. The best way to mitigate the spread of the virus is by ensuring that we follow health and safety protocols. For this reason, we must teach kids in preschool hygiene practices.

When it comes to childcare in Southside, or anywhere for the matter, using fun teaching strategies is recommended. So here are some of the easy ways to help kids learn good hygiene:

  • Use stories – Children have a different understanding of things, and they do not usually understand big words. The best way to get to them is by speaking their language and using animals or fairytale characters. Find storybooks that discuss hand washing and other personal care habits.
  • Find a song – Music has been known to help in child learning. Children tend to retain information better when it is in a song form.
  • Praise and reward them – Experts in childcare in Illinois recommend using reinforcement strategies in teaching. In this case, whenever a kid remembers how to wash their hands or brush their teeth, set up a reward or use verbal praises that remind them of a good job.

Suite Little Feet is a premier provider of early childhood education. Our day care center in Chicago, Illinois is safe and sanitary.

Contact us for more information.

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