Instilling Independence and Confidence among Preschool Children


Our childhood plays a big role in our adult life. Most of the child development theories imply that how we were raised is directly related to the personalities we have in adulthood. Finding the right preschool is a great effort in ensuring that your child achieves each developmental milestone.

Suite Little Feet is a premier provider of childcare in Illinois. We specialize in dealing with toddlers, helping them develop their social and cognitive skills. As experts in the field, we understand that parents and educators play a crucial role in teaching kids’ independence and confidence.

So here are some tips on childcare in Chicago.

    Allow children to interact with each other in a safe space. If they have the opportunity to play with minimal supervision, they would get in touch with their instincts.

  • Show them autonomy and avoid shaming them. Kids are learning, and if they are constantly made to feel embarrassed, they tend to be reliant and not develop a sense of initiative.
  • Teach them responsibility by allowing them to do simple chores. Knowing that they accomplished their tasks empowers them to rely on their abilities.

Our day care center in Chicago, Illinois is a safe place for children. We use effective teaching methods, and ensure that they grow to be kind, intelligent, and responsible adults.

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